How thoughtful! We do have the option to send your friends and family gift certificates. This way, they can sign up and customize their preferences themselves! Use the button below to get started.
Purchasing as a customer?
If you are logged in while buying a gift certificate, your purchase will be completed using the card on file for your account. We'll charge you next time we process billing. If you want that run sooner though, just chat us below!
Purchasing and not a customer?
That's okay too! You'll simply need to enter your email address to get a one-time password and then enter your payment information when prompted. Your card will be run immediately for the price of that gift certificate!
Once you purchase a gift certificate, your recipient will receive an email containing your message and the gift certificate code with simple instructions on how to use it. All they need is the code and they can apply the gift to their account!
As a reminder, we only offer weekly or every other week deliveries, so if you'd like to gift a certain $ amount, a gift certificate is your best option.